🗃ī¸List Files

All uploaded files can be viewed using the given function, the results are paginated with 2000 records in one page.

const getUploads = async() =>{
    @param {string} apiKey - Your API key.
    @param {number} [lastKey=null] - id of last object of previous response, defaults to null.
  const response = await lighthouse.getUploads("YOUR_API_KEY")
  /* Sample response
      data: {
        fileList: [
            publicKey: '0x4e6d5be93ab7c1f75e30dd5a7f574f42f675eed3',
            fileName: 'sample.txt',
            mimeType: 'text/plain',
            txHash: '',
            status: 'queued',
            createdAt: 1691087810426,
            fileSizeInBytes: '14',
            cid: 'QmQK9V46b4vpNUd7pe7EcCqihBEmcSLH4NVNWukLJhGzgN',
            id: '1b2623bd-64ca-4434-8619-24c9a1eca840',
            lastUpdate: 1691087810426,
            encryption: false

Last updated